
Javascript——new URL的使用


new URL() 前面的 "new "表示它是一个构造函数:调用它可以为你创建一个新的 URL 实例;但是如果传入的参数是非法的url,她就会抛出错误。

const urlstring = "this is not a URL"; 
const not_a_url = new URL(urlstring);
// Uncaught TypeError: URL constructor: "this is not a URL" is not a valid URL.


1. try...catch

const urlstring = "this is not a URL";
let not_a_url;

try {
not_a_url = new URL(urlstring);
} catch {
// we catch and ignore the error
// not_a_url is already undefined so no need to actually do anything.
  • 缺点:代码行数增多,not_a_url 变为使用 let 声明的变量、控制流程复杂

2. URL.canParse()

const urlstring = "this is not a URL";
const not_a_url = URL.canParse(urlstring) && new URL(urlstring);
// not_a_url = false

  • 缺点:not_a_url的值不再是字符串、兼容性差

3. URL.parse

const urlstring = "this is not a URL";

const not_a_url = URL.parse(urlstring);
// not_a_url = null

  • 缺点:兼容性差

参考资料 #javascript/url